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In this Document
When attempting to perform an export, the following error occurs:
Problem caused by an index on the object being owned by a different user.
When trying to export an object, all associated objects are exported as well. If one of the indexes is owned by a user and the exporting user does not have permissions on that index object the export fails.
Redefine the index to be owned by the correct schema owner.
In this Document
EXP utility is showing errors while exporting schemas
The database is on a Linux server and the Oracle database version is
The client software is being used on a Windows client where exp is being run from version the client version of the exp utility to the installed database version.
Installing the client software on the Windows client, the error no longer occur.
Checked for relevance on 15 June 2012
Error: EXP 3 Text: no storage definition found for segment(%lu, %lu) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cause: Export could not find the storage definitions for a cluster, index, or table. *Action: Record the accompanying messages and report this as an Export internal error to customer support. Diagnosis: We could not find a storage clause for the named segment. - The arguments above are file and block, referred to here as F and B - First determine what the segment is: select * from dba_segments where HEADER_FILE = F and HEADER_BLOCK = B; - If it is an INDEX see Bug:231159 - If it is a TABLE it may be best to run this to find table SEGMENTS whose segment owner differs from the OBJECT owner: select o.owner#, o.name, o.type#, o.namespace, s.user# from obj$ o, tab$ t, seg$ s where o.obj#=t.obj# and t.file#=s.file# and t.block#=s.block# and o.owner#!=s.user# ; Any rows returned should be investigated. Known Issues: EXP 3 against Indexes / Constraints See Bug:231159
This Note describes the most common issues reported with Portal Export/Import, their causes, and suggested actions that you may encounter while exporting and importing with OracleAS Portal.
In addition to the Support Notes below, you can get additional information here: .For Portal Administrators who need to migrate Portal content using Portal Export/Import utilities.
This document contains the following sections:
1. Known Issues with Portal Export/Import.
1.1 Start here.
If you have issues when doing Portal Export/Import check first the following documentation:
- Be sure you have the latest Export/Import patches applied to both Portals (source and target). More Information about the latest Export/Import patches is here: Master Note for OracleAS Portal Export / Import Issues
- Run the Schema Validation utility (SVU) in REPORT mode before starting a Portal Export or Import to be sure there are no inconsistencies in your portal that could cause the Export/Import to fail. More Information about the latest SVU patches and how to use the SVU is here: Master Note for OracleAS Portal Export / Import Issues SCHEMA VALIDATION UTILITY
- Check your Portal meets the requirements for doing Export/Import. More Information about the requirements for doing Portal Export/Import is here: Checking your Portal meets the requirements for doing Portal Export/Import
- Check what you are doing is supported. More information about supported/unsupported scenarios when using Portal Export/Import is here: Portal Export/Import Supportability Guide And here:
Portal Version Documentation 11.1.1 Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Portal 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) 10.1.4 Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide 10g Release 2 (10.1.4) 10.1.2 Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) - Check the following additional documentation for documented issues.
Portal Version Documentation 11.1.1 Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Portal 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) Oracle Fusion Middleware Error Messages Reference 11g Release 1 ( 10.1.4 Oracle Application Server Portal Error Messages Guide 10g Release 2 (10.1.4) Oracle Application Server Release Notes 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) for Linux x86 Oracle Application Server Portal Installation and Upgrade Guide 10g Release 2 (10.1.4) 10.1.2 Oracle Application Server Portal Error Messages Guide 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) Oracle Application Server Release Notes 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) for Linux x86 1.2 Issues running a Portal Export/Import from the Portal UI.
Unable to Export: Transport set status remains on "Export" statusPortal Version: ALL Problem Description:Unable to Import: Transport Set Status remains on "Import"Doing an Export from the Portal UI does nothing. The Export View log shows only the following:Cause:Before Submitting Job for export After Submitting Job for exportThe database parameter job_queue_processes is set to 0. Minimum value of job_queue_processes to do Portal Export/Import is 2. However in some environments a higher value might be required.Fix:Set job_queue_processes to 2 or a greater value.References: Checking your Portal meets the requirements for doing Portal Export/ImportPortal Version: ALL Problem Description:Unable to Export or Import with security: Transport Set Status remains in ProgressDoing an Import from the Portal UI does nothing. The Import View log shows only the following:Cause:Before Submitting Job for import After Submitting Job for importThe database parameter job_queue_processes is set to 0. Minimum value of job_queue_processes to do Portal Export/Import is 2. However in some environments a higher value might be required.Fix:Set job_queue_processes to 2 or a greater value. If 2 is not enough then set to a higher value like 5 or 10.References:Checking your Portal meets the requirements for doing Portal Export/ImportPortal Version: ALL Problem Description:Unable to Export: Export Times Out with error "No Response from Application Web Server"The Export Job seems to get into a loop. The Portal database is setup to use Cost Based Optimizer (CBO).Other symptoms:Enabling a trace of the job session shows ORA-07445 errors while doing a query on wwpre_name$. The following query from sqlplus as portal user returns ORA-3113 error:Cause:select id, name from wwpre_name$ where name = 'default' or name = 'defaultmobile';The entire Portal schema has being analyzed to gather statistics for Performance. Portal schema should NOT be analyzed. This is not supported.Fix:Ensure that there are no errant statistics in the Portal schema, issue the following command from SQL*Plus: exec dbms_stats.delete_schema_stats(ownname=>'PORTAL'); Then use the procedure WWSBR_STATS.GATHER_STATS for managing the CBO statistics (execute as portal schema):exec wwsbr_stats.gather_stats;Portal Version: 10.1.4.X, 10.1.2.X, 9.0.4 , 9.0.2 Problem Description:Portal Import Button does nothing while using a Language other than EnglishDoing the export or import of a large page group or DB Provider from the Portal UI the export or import seems to be very slow. After a while you get the following error (in the browser):Cause:No Response from Application Web ServerStarting with Portal the product has being improved to check for dependencies and show this information in order to have all dependencies imported first. Large page groups involve large amounts of dependency checks. Since these have to be done prior to exporting the transport sets as a foreground job, the UI could time-out prematurely. The same issue will exist when pre-checks are done during import to validate the transport set objects. Other possible cause could be that the Apache Timeout value is too low. You can try to implement Solution 2 of . But if increasing the Apache Timeout doesn't solve the Export Timeout error then you need to use the next workaround.Workaround (Unix):References:Do the export using the opeasst.csh Tool.Workaround (Windows):Run the shell script tool (opeasst.csh) on the Windows operating system using one of the following UNIX emulation utilities: o Cygwin or later. Visit: http://sources.redhat.com o MKS Toolkit 6.1. Visit: @ http://www.datafocus.com/Portal Export/Import Times Out In Portal With Error: No Response from Application Web Server NEED OPEASST FOR WINDOWS PLATFORMPortal Version: Problem Description:Unable to Export: Get "The page cannot be found" error exporting from the Portal UIWhen using the Portal UI in a Language other than English to perform a Portal Import the buttons available to complete the import in the Dependency Manager page do nothing. The user clicks the buttons (Import Now, Closed, Save for Later) and they don't do anything.Cause:PROBLEM ON IMPORT WINDOWS WHEN I USE FRENCH LANGUAGE (Public). NLS: STRINGS USED IN JAVASCRIPT ALERT OR CONFIRM MESSAGES SHOULD ESCAPE QUOTES (Public)Fix / References:Press Portal Import Button it does Not do Anything While Using French LanguagePortal Version:
Problem Description:Get the following error in the browser when doing Export:Cause:The page cannot be found HTTP 400 - Bad RequestThe error_log file shows the following error:[error] mod_plsql: /pls/cust_portal/PORTAL.wwutl_ui_export_import.create_new_eds HTTP-400 Too many arguments. It is 2625. Upper limit is 2000GET "THE PAGE CANNOT BE FOUND" ERROR EXPORTING A PAGEFix:Install the version of mod_plsql which is available in patch for . Or as an alternative way you can do the export using the opeasst.csh Tool (see for details on how to run this script).1.3 Issues accessing the Export or Import View Logs from the Portal UI.
Accessing the Transport Set Logs from the Portal UI Times Out with error: No Response from Application Web ServerPortal Version: 10.1.4.X, 10.1.2.X, 9.0.4 , 9.0.2 Problem Description:Attempting to look at the Transport Set Log from the Portal UI the response seems to be very slow. After a while you get the following error (in the browser):Cause:No Response from Application Web ServerThis is related with exporting/importing large page groups explained here.Workaround:Reference: TRANSPORT SET LOG SCREEN TIMES OUT FOR LARGE PAGE GROUP IMPORTS
- Connect to sqplus as portal schema.
- Run the following query to identify the export_id for the transport set:
SELECT Distinct export_id, name FROM wwutl_export_import$ WHERE name='<Transport_set_name>' /In the query above, replace <Transport_set_name> with the transport set name.- Use the following query to extract the log:
spool large_pg_ts_imp.log select entry from wwutl_export_import_log$ where export_id = <export_id_of_large_transport_set> where transport_mode = 'IMPORT' order by id; spool off1.4 Issues running the Export or Import scripts from the command line.
Error running the Import Script: Unable to Set Context for Portal UserPortal Version: ALL Problem Description:Running the Import Script: Importing a Transport Set to a 10.2 or later Release of the Database HangsRunning the import script to import a transport set you get the following error:Cause 1:Mode Selected is IMPORT Enter company name (default=none): Checking for privileges... Setting the Context... Error: Unable to Set context for Portal User Portal Cannot proceed with ImportThe values specified for portal username, portal password, and company are incorrect causing the authentication to fail. Make sure that the correct values are provided for the following prompts:Fix:Run the export script without specifying any parameters so you get prompted for the required values. When prompted provide the following information.Cause 2:You can also specify the values to the above parameters in the command line using:
- Enter the name of the portal user: Specify the portal lightweight username you use to login to Portal from your browser.
- Enter the password for the portal user: Specify the portal lightweight user password you use to login to Portal from your browser.
- Enter company name (default=none): Hit return if hosting is not enabled or if you are unsure; otherwise, enter the company name ONLY if you have hosting enabled.
MyScript.csh ... -pu portal_username -pp portal_userpassword -company NONE ...You upgraded the Portal database after installing Portal. Some database upgrades include changes to the DBMS_LDAP_UTL package.Fix:Reload the LDAP package.Reference:Upgrade the database and now getting: Error: Unable to Set Context for Portal UserPortal Version: ALL Problem Description:Running the import script to import a Transport Set with "-mode import" hangs and does not return to the prompt. Import is run from the Midtier Oracle Home or the Infrastructure Oracle home. Target Portal Database version is 10.2 or later.Cause:This issue is caused by a Database Import Utility compatibility. The database export/import utilities installed with Oracle Portal Home or the Infrastructure Oracle home might be lower than the database Release.Fix:Run the Import script from the Database Home.Reference:Portal Transport Set Import Hangs when Importing to 10.2 Database1.5 Errors in the Export or Import Logs generated by the Export/Import script.
Error in the Export log generated by the Export Script: EXP-00003 no storage definition found for segmentPortal Version: ALL Problem Description:Error in the Export log generated by the Export Script: EXP-6: Internal Inconsistency ErrorRunning the export script from the command line to extract the transport set tables returns the following errors:Cause:EXP-00003: no storage definition found for segment(%lu, %lu)The portal Repository is installed in a Database version is or higher.Export Of Lob From 9205 With Pre-9205 Exp Gives Exp-3 (No Storage Def Found)Fix:Getting EXP-00003 Errors While Exporting a Transport Set to create the .dmp FilePortal Version: 10.1.4.X, 10.1.2.X, 9.0.4 , 9.0.2 Problem Description:Running the export script from the command line to extract the transport set tables returns the following errors:Cause:. . exporting table WWSRC_PREFERENCE$ 441 rows exported EXP-00006: internal inconsistency error EXP-00056: ORACLE error 1403 encountered ORA-01403: no data foundThe database version is 9.0.1.X.DURING DB EXPORT, CUSTOMER RECEIVES 'EXP-6: INTERNAL INCONSISTENCY ERROR' This problem is a database bug and is fixed in database release 9.2.Workaround:Only apply this workaround when you get the above error. Create the following view, connected as sys, before running the export:Explanation:set long 9999 set pagesize 9999 spool old_exu8con_view.log select OWNER||'.'||VIEW_NAME, TEXT from dba_views where VIEW_NAME = 'EXU8CON'; spool off CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW exu8con ( objid, owner, ownerid, tname, type, cname, cno, condition, condlength, enabled, defer, sqlver, iname) AS SELECT o.obj#, u.name, c.owner#, o.name, decode(cd.type#, 11, 7, cd.type#), c.name, c.con#, cd.condition, cd.condlength, NVL(cd.enabled, 0), NVL(cd.defer, 0), sv.sql_version, NVL(oi.name, '') FROM sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.con$ c, sys.cdef$ cd, sys.exu816sqv sv, sys.obj$ oi WHERE u.user# = c.owner# AND o.obj# = cd.obj# AND cd.con# = c.con# AND cd.spare1 = sv.version# (+) AND cd.enabled = oi.obj# (+) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT owner, name FROM sys.noexp$ ne WHERE ne.owner = u.name AND ne.name = o.name AND ne.obj_type = 2); spool new_exu8con_view.log select OWNER||'.'||VIEW_NAME, TEXT from dba_views where VIEW_NAME = 'EXU8CON'; spool offAfter the export you can recreate the exu8con view using the original definition from admin/catexp.sqlThe modification of exu8con simply adds support for a constraint type that had not previously been supported by this view. There is no negative impact.References:Error while exporting the portal user tables: EXP-00006 EXP-00056 ORA-014031.6 Errors in the Export or Import View Logs from the Portal UI.
Precheck failed for search items on import
Portal Version: ALL Problem Description:Error on Import: ORA-29273: HTTP request failedImporting a Page Group using Portal Export/Import utilities is failing with the following error:Cause:[ERROR] id = ORA-29273: HTTP request failed ORA-6512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1665 ORA-28868: certificate chain context = wwutl_api_import_security.import_external_application user = PORTAL unexpected_sqlerrm ORA-29273: HTTP request failed ORA-6512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1665 ORA-28868: certificate chain check failed Pre checking search items ... Precheck failed for search item with id <id> on page <page_name> in page group <page_group_name> The search item is customized to search in a page group which is not in the target portal or included in the transport set. On import the search item is defaulted to search in all page groups ... Search Items precheck completeThere are items of type "Basic Search Box" in the page group that were customized to search in specific page groups and those page groups do not exist in the target portal.Workaround:Precheck failed for search items on importPortal Version: ALL Problem Description:Error Importing a page group: Pre-check failed for search portlet with reference path xxxxImporting a Page Group using Portal Export/Import utilities is failing with the following error:Cause:[ERROR] id = ORA-29273: HTTP request failed ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1674 ORA-29024: Certificate valid context = wwutl_api_import_security.import_external_application user = PORTAL unexpected_sqlerrm ORA-29273: HTTP request failed ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1674 ORA-29024: Certificate validation failureor[ERROR] id = ORA-29273: HTTP request failed ORA-6512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1665 ORA-28868: certificate chain context = wwutl_api_import_security.import_external_application user = PORTAL unexpected_sqlerrm ORA-29273: HTTP request failed ORA-6512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1665 ORA-28868: certificate chain check failedThe query Path URL is not correctly set in the Portal Global Settings.Fix:Portal Import Error On : ORA-29273: HTTP request failed Checking your Portal meets the requirements for doing Portal Export/ImportPortal Version: ALL Problem Description:Error Importing a page group: ORA-01691: unable to extend lob segmentImporting a Page Group is failing with the following error:Cause:Checking for missing search portlet preference dependencies... Pre-check failed for search portlet with reference path <XXXX>_PAGESEARCH_<YYYY> Search portlet has dependencies which are not included in the transport set or do not exist in the target If import continues, all missing dependencies are removed or reset accordingly as described below PAGE GROUPS : All of the page groups to be searched are missing. On import, the portlet will search all page groups Pre-check failed for search portlet with reference path <XXXX>_PAGESEARCH_<YYYY>After import all Custom Search Portlet customizations are lost. All Custom Search Portlet customizations are reset to the defaults.The Page Group being imported has Custom Search Portlets that have references to other objects like Page Groups/Pages that do not exist in the target portal.Fix:Importing a page group fails with error: Pre-check failed for search portlet with reference path xxxxPortal Version: ALL Problem Description:Error Importing a page group: wwutl_api_import_security.set_user_acl Unexpected Error: Setting User ACLImporting a Page Group is failing with the following error:Cause:[Error: ] context = NULL user = PORTAL WWUTL_API_EXPORT_PAGEGROUP.start_export ORA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWUTL_DB_EXPORT_IMPORT", line 1527 ORA-01691: unable to extend lob segment PORTAL.SYS_LOB0000272921C00009$$ by 138254 in tablespace PORTALLack of Space in the Portal tablespace.Fix: ORA-1691: unable to extend lobsegment when inserting to table with securefilePortal Version: 10.1.2.X Problem Description:Importing a Page Group using Portal Export/Import utilities is failing with the following error:Cause:Running import necessary privileges step Context: wwutl_api_import_security.set_user_acl Unexpected Error: Setting User ACL ORA-01403: no data found ORA-01403: no data found ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWSEC_SYSP_BRI_TRG", line 19 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'PORTAL.WWSEC_SYSP_BRI_TRG'Error In Post-Import Step While Assigning Privileges To User Performing ImportFix:Error Importing a page group: wwutl_api_import_security.set_user_acl Unexpected Error: Setting User ACL ORA-014031.7 Issues Deleting Transport Sets.
Trying to remove a transport set returns Internal Error (WWC-00006)Portal Version: 10.1.4.X, 10.1.2.X, 9.0.4 , 9.0.2 Problem Description:Unable to delete a Portal Export/Import Transport Set. Trying to delete the transport set results in the following errors:Cause:Internal Error (WWC-00006) Unexpected error - User-Defined Exception (WWU-52200).The Export/Import failed and the transport set was created but it can't be removed.Workaround:Trying to remove a transport set returns Internal Error (WWC-00006)1.8 Getting Unexpected Results after Import.
After import all URLs items are pointing to the Source SystemPortal Version: ALL Problem Description:After import all Providers are pointing to the Source SystemYou have URL Items pointing to other items in the portal. The URL field is using a full URL like this:Cause:http://server:port/pls/portal/url/ITEM/GUIDYou migrated your pages using Portal Export/Import Utilities. After import the URL Items are pointing to the source system.URLs in URL Items are not modified after import. The URLs are preserved exactly as they are in the source. This is the expected behavior.Fix:After import all URLs items are pointing to the Source SystemPortal Version: ALL Problem Description:After Import all URLs to call your Components from a Portal DB Provider are Pointing to the Source SystemYou have portlets from web providers in your pages. You migrated your pages using Portal Export/Import utilities. After import all providers are pointing to the source system.Cause:The provider was not registered in the target before the import. On import if the provider does not exists in the target the import will register the provider using the URL from the source.Fix:After import all Providers are pointing to the Source SystemPortal Version: ALL Problem Description:After import content Items added in the target are lostYou have a select statement in a Portal Component (i.e from a Report from SQL Query, or a Chart from SQL Query, or a Calendar, or a Dynamic Page, etc) that calls another Component from a Locally Built DB Provider. You are using a full URL in the query to call the other component like this:Cause:select 'http://server:port/pls/portal/PORTAL.wwa_app_module.link?'|| 'p_arg_names=_moduleid&p_arg_values=1464896185'|| '&p_arg_names=EMPNO&p_arg_values='||to_char(empno)|| '&p_arg_names=_empno_cond&p_arg_values=%3D' empno, ename from SCOTT.EMPYou are migrating your Portal Objects using Portal Export/Import Utilities. After import the URLs to the components are still pointing to the source system.URLs in the queries are not modified after import. The URLs are preserved exactly as they are in the query from the source. This is the expected behavior.Fix:After Import all URLs to call your Components from a Portal DB Provider are Pointing to the Source SystemPortal Version: ALL Problem Description:Users Not Getting To Their Default Home Page after ImportYou exported a Page Group, then added some content in the target Portal (i.e. added some file items). Then after repeating the Import of the Page Group the items added in the target are lost.Cause:Content Items added in the target will be removed or preserved depending on the import mode selected (replace or reuse).Explanation:The following note explains what happens when you add items in the target and what happens if you repeat the import of the page group: Where to add content such file items when using Portal Export/Import utilities ... Development or ProductionPortal Version: ALL Problem Description:Automatic_merge option has no effect during manually Page group Import on Windows platformsUsers are redirected to the portal global default home page rather than the user's default home page. The default home page is assigned to a group that is the default group of the users. The user's default home page was imported from another Portal instance.Cause:The groups were created in the target OID after the portal import. USERS NOT GETTING TO THEIR DEFAULT HOME PAGEWorkaround:Users Not Getting To Their Default Home Page after ImportPortal Version: 10.1.2.X, 9.0.4.X, 9.0.2.X Problem Description:After Portal Import: Oracle Drive Doesn't Show Pages Created Through Portal UIYou are importing from the command line using the automatic_merge option. The transport set is created but the Page Group is not being created.Cause:IMPORT OPTION "AUTOMATIC_MERGE" HAS NO EFFECT ON WINDOWS This bug is fixed in Portal 10.1.4.Workaround:Import the transport set from the Portal UI.Portal Version: Problem Description:Oracle Report Items do not bring the parameters after importNew pages created in some imported page groups are not visible from webdav. It happens on page group having translations.Cause:NEW PAGES CREATED IN SOME IMPORTED PAGE GROUPS CAN'T BE SEEN VIA WEBDAVWorkaround:After Portal Import: Oracle Drive Doesn't Show Pages Created Through Portal UIPortal Version: Problem Description:Portal Surveys are missing after ImportAfter Import all Oracle Report Items in the pages return the following error when click on "Run Report":Cause:Not Found The requested URL /pls/portal/PORTAL.wwv_rw_utl.show_report was not found on this server.IMPORT DOES NOT INCLUDE THE MULTIPLE INPUT VARIABLE FOR PROCEDURE CALLWorkaround:Oracle Report Items do not bring the parameters after importPortal Version: ALL Problem Description:After Import all Portal Surveys are missing.Cause:Export/Import of Portal Survey components is not supported.References:Portal Export and Import Utility Supportability Scenarios2. Known Issues applying Export/Import Patches.
Installing Portal patches with OPATCH on Unix environments completes successfully but the patches are not installedPortal Version: 10.1.4.X, 10.1.2.X, 9.0.4 , 9.0.2 Problem Description:Applying a One-Off Patch On All Operating Systems Except Windows and SPARC Solaris after applying Application Server Patchset 2 ( a portal patch using OPATCH on a Unix environment completes usefully but the patch is not applied. No error was reported anywhere. The following query from sqlplus as portal schema doesn't show the patch in the list of installed patches:Cause:select * from WWUTL_PATCHLOG$;PROBLEM WITH DBI LIB ON OPATCH CALLFix:Installing Portal patches with OPATCH on Unix environments completes successfully but the patches are not installedPortal Version: (With iAS Patchset Problem Description:Unable to apply a Portal Patch with opatch : None of the patch actions is applicable to the Oracle HomeAfter applying the Oracle 10g Application Server Patchset 2 ( on non-Windows and Solaris platforms the following error will be seen:Cause:OPatch detects your platform as 23 while this patch < XXXXXXX > supports platforms: This patch is not suitable for this operating system. Please contact support for the correct patch.IAS PATCHSET UPDATES ORACLEHOMEPROPERTIES.XML WITH WRONG ARU_ID & ARU_I.Fix:Applying a One-Off Patch On All Operating Systems Except Windows and SPARC Solaris Fails After Application Server Patchset 2 ( Version: 10.1.4.X and 10.1.2.X (With iAS Patchet Problem Description:Applying a Portal Patch with OPATCH returns the following Error: MISSING_COMPONENT : oracle.webdb, attempting to apply a Portal Patch the following error occurs:Cause:ERROR SKIPPING_COMPONENT=oracle.webdb, None of the patch actions is applicable to the Oracle Home. OPatch will not apply the patch, exiting...The Midtier was upgraded with an iAS Patch from to The reason of this error is that patches are included with an inventory file to validate the version of the Midtier where the patch can be applied. As new iAS Patches are released it could be that the patch was released before the iAS Patch. So the inventory file of the patch doesn't contemplate the new version of the upgraded iAS Midtier.Fix:Unable to apply a Portal Patch with opatch : None of the patch actions is applicable to the Oracle HomePortal Version: 10.1.4, Problem Description:Applying a portal patch with OPATCH returns ERROR: Invalid SYS Connect InfoTrying to apply a Portal Patch using OPATCH returns the following error:Cause:MISSING_COMPONENT : oracle.webdb, Oracle Home does not have components/versions required by the patch.ERROR: OPatch failed during pre-reqs check.The Midtier was upgraded from or to (Patch 4908436)Portal patches check the Midtier Version and the patch is expecting a Midtier.Fix:Applying a Portal Patch with OPATCH returns the following Error: MISSING_COMPONENT : oracle.webdb, Version: 10.1.4.X, 10.1.2.X, 9.0.4.X Problem Description:Error PLS-00323 running the recompile.sql script from the latest export/import consolidated patch for 9023 (Patch:3965222)While applying a portal patch using opatch you get the following error: ERROR: Invalid SYS Connect Info, cannot proceed with the installation.Cause:Applying Patch 4119778 Version 4 For Results In ErrorFix:Applying a portal patch with OPATCH returns ERROR: Invalid SYS Connect InfoPortal Version:, Problem Description:Error PLS-00306 applying the latest export/import consolidated patch for 9023 (Patch:3965222)When you run the recompile.sql script that comes with the consolidated patch you get the following error:Cause:SQL> @ recompile.sql ... Error in alter package WWUTL_API_IMPORT_PAGEGROUP compile body 1083/33 PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'GET_OBJECTS_LIST' 1083/13 PL/SQL: Statement ignored Error in alter package WWUTL_DB_EXPORT_IMPORT compile body 765/15 PLS-00323: subprogram or cursor 'GET_OBJECTS_LIST' is declared in a package specification and must be defined in the package bodyYou enabled the debug option for the Export using . You compiled the utldbmgr.pks package to enable the debug option for export. But you used the script from the following location:Fix:$MIDTIER_HOME/portal/admin/plsql/wwu/utldbmgr.pksThe above script is the corresponding to the base release of Portal ( need to use the script for Portal from the correct location. Compile the utldbmgr.pks package from here:$MIDTIER_HOME/portal/patch-9-0-2-3-0/p90230/wwu/utldbmgr.pksThen recompile the objects again using recompile.sqlPortal Version:, Problem Description:When you compile the utlimsbr.pkb package that comes with the consolidated patch you get the following error:Cause:SQL> @ utlimsbr.pkb Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors. Errors for PACKAGE BODY WWUTL_API_IMPORT_PAGEGROUP: LINE/COL ERROR -------- ------------------------------------------- ---------------------- 1083/13 PL/SQL: Statement ignored 1083/33 PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'GET_OBJECTS_LIST'You upgraded your Portal to but the Portal repository is not correctly patched with this release. You can verify this as follows: Connect to sqlplus as portal user and execute the following query: select version from wwc_version$; This query should return the following version:Fix:
- If you have the iAS 90230 Patchset for 9iAS 9.0.2.X installed in your Midtier (Patch 3038037).
- If you have the Portal Patch Release installed in your Midtier (Patch 2744619).
If the query on wwc_version$ table doesn't show the correct version of Portal ( or then the portal repository should be patched manually as follows:
- Connect to the Midtier.
- Change to the following directory:
$MIDTIER_HOME\portal\patch-9-0-2-3-0\p90230- Patch the portal repository manually:
patch.csh -s <portal_schema> -p <portal_password> -l patch.log -c <host>:<port>:<sid>Where: <portal_schema> - Is the portal schema. <portal_password> - Is the portal schema password. <host>:<port>:<sid> - Is the connect string to the portal repository.
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